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Australian Labradoodle Training Loose Lead Walking.

Armour Canine Training

Today we started to properly work on Opie's Loose Lead/ Heelwork training journey...

Like most dogs Opie wanted to get from A to B on walks, in the quickest possible time!!!

So, we started on keeping things calm in the house prewalk, having a sit while the lead was clipped on, and then controlling crossing the doorway in a calm manner on leaving the house too.

Once outside, we practiced bringing Opie in to the heel position, so that everyone was facing the same direction to start walking. (This is to stop pulling the dog in to position by the lead)

We lured Opie at first with a treat in hand, to show her where we wanted her to walk. Then once she understood the game, we raised the treat from the nose, up and away, then back down again.

We then worked in turns, variable speeds, stops and then moved on to crossing the road safely.

Through repetition Opie will learn to walk on the left, understand that "heel" means get in to position and that it's preempting something is about to happen.

She will also get to the point of when her training partner stops, she will automatically drop in to a sit position.

We are training using a flat collar, rope lead and reward based training. There has been no use of any type of corrections or any other equipment used at all.

This footage you see has all been done in an hours training session. I always say, that I won't fix your problems straight away, but you will see an improvement straight away.

We even had a perfect situation arise when other dogs past us, as Opie can be a little reactive around dogs. I showed Opie's mum, how to use value to name and it worked perfectly!

I'm sure you'll agree, that team Opie are well on their way to having enjoyable walks in the near future...

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posted by guglian2