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Aum (OM) Powerful Mantra for Self Healing Meditation.

Spiritual Gurus around the world

Beautiful sound of the AUM MANTRA

Paramhansa Yogananda strongly recommended the mantra, “AUM" AUM can be chanted in three ways — through mouth, through mind and through one's whole being.

The first method is mechanical, second, mental and the last supramental.
The syllable is composed of the three sounds 'A', 'U' and 'M' – AUM. The notes of the first “AUM” are higher, and should be sung loudly. The second notesequence is a little lower, and is sung more softly. The third sequence is lowest, and is the softest of the three.

AUM (OM) is a sacred sound, syllable, mantra, and an invocation in Hinduism. AUM is one of the most important symbols of Hinduism. It is variously said to be the essence of the supreme Absolute, consciousness, Ātman, Brahman, or the cosmic world.
Mediating Om or Aum chanting helps in improving concentration and memory and restore the balance of mind and energy of the individual. Meditation of Om or AUM on a regular basis calms and relaxes the mind and the body decreases the blood pressure and helps in maintaining a healthy rhythmic heartbeat Aum (ॐ) is the vibration by which the Supreme Spirit brings all things into manifestation.

The AUM mantra, also known as OM mantra, holds great significance in various spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Yoga. It is considered a powerful and sacred sound that represents the primordial vibration of the universe. Paramhansa Yogananda, a renowned spiritual teacher and the author of "Autobiography of a Yogi," highly recommended the chanting of the AUM mantra for spiritual seekers. Here are some aspects that make the AUM mantra beautiful and significant:

Universal Sound: The AUM mantra is believed to be the fundamental sound from which all creation emerged. It encompasses all sounds and vibrations, representing the essence of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things. Chanting AUM aligns the practitioner with the universal consciousness and helps to experience a sense of unity with the divine and the world around.

Spiritual Symbolism: The AUM mantra is often considered a symbol of the divine trinity. The sound is composed of three syllables: "A," "U," and "M." Each syllable represents different aspects of existence—the waking state, the dream state, and the state of deep sleep or transcendence. Chanting AUM is believed to awaken and harmonize these different levels of consciousness, leading to spiritual growth and selfrealization.

Vibrational Effects: Chanting the AUM mantra produces specific vibrations and resonances within the body, mind, and subtle energy centers. The rhythmic repetition of AUM creates a soothing and harmonizing effect, promoting relaxation, concentration, and a sense of inner peace. It is believed to balance the chakras, awaken dormant spiritual energies, and purify the mind.

Focus and Mindfulness: The AUM mantra serves as a focal point for meditation and mindfulness practices. By chanting AUM, individuals can concentrate their attention and quiet the mind, allowing them to go deeper into their meditation practice. The continuous repetition of the mantra helps to cultivate a state of inner stillness, facilitating selfawareness and a connection with the divine presence.

Spiritual Awakening: The AUM mantra is considered a tool for spiritual awakening and selftransformation. It is believed to activate the spiritual energy within and guide the practitioner on the path of selfdiscovery and enlightenment. Chanting AUM with devotion and sincerity is said to purify the heart, expand consciousness, and open the door to higher states of awareness.

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posted by Rhywherne5h