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Amazing changes in chest stretching and diaphragm breathing.

이재성 박사의 식탁보감 Dr Lees Food Remedy

#Retroflow esophagitis #Breathing #Diaphragm breathing
People with indigestion, reflux esophagitis, gastrointestinal reflux disease, people who are not breathing deeply and have a stuffy chest, arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, stress, nervousness, annoyance. Those of you who've gotten sharper! I'll teach you how to breathe to help these people.

▶ 이재성 박사의 최근 저서 『식탁보감 1권』, 『식탁보감 2권』, 『임신을 위한 힐링』, 『살찌지 않는 습관』, 『우리 가족은 안녕하십니까』, 『우리 아이가 생겼어요』

▶ 난임극복 임신교실 (유튜브)    / @ihopebaby  
▶ 난임극복 임신교실 (블로그) https://ihopebaby.tistory.com/
▶ 난임극복 임신교실 (카페) https://cafe.naver.com/ihopebaby

▶ 이재성 박사의 식탁보감 (카카오스토리) https://story.kakao.com/ch/ihopebaby
▶ 이재성 박사의 식탁보감 (밴드) https://band.us/@sikbo
▶ 이재성 박사의 당뇨탈출 (밴드) https://band.us/@dangtal

posted by Rhymnisb