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A Day in Our Veterinarian Clinic! | (3 Cats Involved) | VLOG VIDEO!

Tugay İnanoğlu

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Hello everyone! In this video, we are sharing a day of our in our veterinarian clinic! I hope you enjoy the video!

PREVIOUS VIDEO ►    • Saldırgan Kedilerden Korkuyor Muyum? ...  
► Cat Attack:    • CANIMIZI ZOR KURTARDIK!  Kedi Saldır...  
► Cat Rescue:    • ARABA EZMİŞ! Ölümden Dönen Yavru Kedi...  
► Dog Rescue:    • ARABA ÇAPRAN KÖPEK! Arka Ayaklarına B...  

Stay tuned for fun, funny and exciting videos from the veterinary clinic and dog farm! Don't miss any of our cat videos with cat subtitles translated from meow, the most exciting and tense cat attack videos, and the dog training videos we shot at our dog farm!

We wish you a good viewing!

Healthy paws, happy families!

Instagram: www.instagram.com/inanogluvet
Our website: www.inanogluvet.com

For Communication and Collaborations, visit the about tab of our channel.

posted by gmobuelna1n