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99% of Irish Wolfhound Owners Don't Know This

Dogs Wiz

Were you aware that the Irish Wolfhound holds a place as one of the world's tallest dog breeds? But how did their stature contribute to their historical roles and purpose?

The Irish Wolfhound, an ancient breed renowned for its towering stature and gentle demeanor, embodies an impressive combination of size and grace. Towering over most breeds, they possess a commanding presence coupled with a remarkably kind and affectionate disposition. Their rough, wiry coat, which comes in various shades of gray, brindle, red, black, or fawn, adds to their majestic appearance. Despite their colossal size, they exude a serene and dignified aura, earning them the moniker "gentle giants."

Whether it's their noble nature or their history as fearless hunters, exploring these 39 facts about the Irish Wolfhound is sure to shed some light on the unique qualities that define this captivating breed.


0:00 Intro
0:04 Fact 1 5
1:19 Fact 6 10
2:44 Fact 11 15
4:06 Fact 16 20
5:23 Fact 21 25
6:51 Fact 26 30
8:20 Fact 31 35
9:43 Fact 36 39
10:59 Outro

posted by heimtar1t