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99% of Bullmastiff Owners Don't Know This

Dogs Wiz

Did you know that Bullmastiffs were originally bred to be silent and vigilant guardians? But how have they transitioned into the cherished companions we know today?

The Bullmastiff is a breed with a rich history tied to its role as a guardian of English estates and game preserves. Originally bred to deter poachers, these dogs needed to possess strength, courage, and a keen sense of protection. Their powerful build, loyal temperament, and natural protective instincts made them indispensable in safeguarding property and people. Beyond their protective heritage, Bullmastiffs are cherished for their gentle and affectionate disposition, making them cherished companions in homes across the world.

Whether you admire breeds that skillfully combine their protective instincts with a loving and gentle nature or simply appreciate the stately presence of the Bullmastiff, these 33 facts are sure to deepen your appreciation for this remarkable breed.


0:00 Intro
0:04 Fact 1 5
1:25 Fact 6 10
2:49 Fact 11 15
4:14 Fact 16 20
5:30 Fact 21 25
7:12 Fact 26 30
8:31 Fact 31 33
9:28 Outro

posted by heimtar1t