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3 Kittens Attacked By Hundreds of Fleas and How To Get Rid Of Fleas

Sari Cat Channel

The kitten’s mother gave birth in abandoned small storage house, then I found out that these 3 kittens attacked by hundreds of fleas.
I washed them with thick shampoo, showered them with warmed water and waited until 10 15 minutes, so the fleas would be dead. Dried them under the sun or dried them with hair drier, so their bodies would be warm. Checked the fleas again because some fleas were still alive or dead with bitting on the kitten’s skin. Their bodies had cleaned from fleas.
After cleaning fleas from their bodies, these kittens were cheerful. They played happily and slept tightly.

Induk anak kucing melahirkan di gudang, kemudian saya mengetahui bahwa 3 anak kucing ini diserang oleh ratusan kutu.
Saya mencucinya dengan sampo yang kental, menyiramnya dengan air hangat dan menunggu sampai 10 15 menit, supaya kutukutu itu mati. Mengeringkannya di bawah sinar matahari atau mengeringkannya dengan pengering rambut, agar tubuh mereka hangat. Memeriksa kutu lagi karena beberapa kutu masih hidup atau mati dengan menggigit kulit anak kucing. Tubuh mereka telah dibersihkan dari kutu.
Setelah membersihkan kutu dari tubuh mereka, anakanak kucing ini terlihat ceria. Mereka bermain dengan gembira dan tidur nyenyak.

#kittens #fleas #kutukucing

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posted by kpdperuah