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10 Self Help Books That Changed My Life + how to get personal development books to work for you!


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Everyone always asks me what programs I did, or what mentors I worked with to get where I'm at... and YES, I have worked with coaches and mentors... but the BIGGEST shifts in my life happened before I ever joined any program. The biggest shifts in my life happened after reading personal and spiritual development books. My ENTIRE life changed in under 2 years. I went from broke, gaining weigh, skin breaking out, in a toxic relationship, etc. to manifesting my dream luxury apartment, making 6 figures, getting invited to speak at events, my skin clearing up, losing the weight, and MORE... all from reading personal development books and taking action on them.

Here's a list of the titles mentioned in this video
'The Miracle Morning', by Hal Elrod
'The Success Principles' by Jack Canfield
'You Are a Baddass at Making Money' by Jen Sincero
'You Can Heal Your Life' by Louise Hay
'The Power of Now' by Echart Tolle
'Hiring The Heavens' by Jean Slatter
'Many Lives, Many Masters' by Dr Brian Weiss
'Signs The Secret Language of the Universe' by Laura Lynn Jackson
'The Light Between Us' by Laura Lynn Jackson
'Ask you Guides' by Sonia Choquette

You can find most of these titles on audile NOW!

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About me
I'm Annie Bardonski aka OhhMyAnnie. I'm a full time youtuber and certified life coach specializing in helping my fellow spiritual humans manifest their dream life! I make videos about law of attraction and manifestation to mental health, personal development, morning routines, health and wellness, lifestyle, vlogs at the tiny house, and all things dedicated to help / motivate YOU to transform you life! Subscribe for weekly videos!

#personaldevelopment #personaldevelopmentbooks #lifecoach

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