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10 Fantastic Freshwater Fishes For Nano Aquariums | Animals Unlimited | Sameer Gudhate

Animals Unlimited

Finding the right fish for your freshwater nano tank can be quite the task. One wrong fish can throw off the ecosystem entirely.

A regular sized Chinese Algae Eater, for example, would probably not be a good idea. As you can already imagine, fully grown it would thrash about any nanotank, wreaking havoc upon the other fish in this small environment.

As any experienced fishkeeper knows, just because a tank is smaller, doesn’t mean that it requires less attention. So, new fishkeeping enthusiasts be warned.

The good news is that once you do settle on the right fish, a wellpopulated nano tank can look great anywhere. It is not uncommon to see a beautiful nano tank on a desk at work or in your home, serving as both a pleasant sight and a source of natural inspiration throughout the day.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the 10 best freshwater aquarium fish for nano tanks.

posted by Hughesan