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【西冷牛扒】慢煮 Medium Rare!極厚切! 爆汁!(大量科學注意 梅納反應) 2018 - Sous Vide Ultimate 4' Sirloin (Maillard Reacton)

唔熟唔食 Cook King Room

上集講完慢煮嘅缺點之後我哋今集講下慢煮嘅屈機之處。會涉及約8分鐘嘅science lecture, 無興趣或者唔想聽請留意時間跳過。呢件肉嘅完成程度係香港人最接受嘅做法而且會比焗爐焗出來更香口更滑更多汁。可以講係無得輸。

補充: 肉係有碳嘅成份係amino acid 入面個component,不過唔屬於碳水化合物唔好意思

**教學 power point由 1:58 9:19 敬請注意 **

We have explained that down side of sous vide from the previous video, so let's talk about the Invincible side of sous vide cooking. I've made a 8 mins science lecture in this video and you are free to skip it. This sirloin is perfectly done and can be done at home. Includes everything like juiciness, tenderness, and of course, the ultimate flavour of the beef itself. Doubt any traditional way can beat it. Please share it around and extend this with your own knowledge so the sous vide cooking can be ubiquitous.

*The science will be from 1:58 to 9:19* and the content only represents my views and no obligation involves with any other channels on youtube.

#慢煮 #牛扒 #牛排

posted by forexgenaccq4