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怪咖系列【花開富貴】正片 All Money Back Me Home (Full Movie)



面對這一題其實我們每一個人的腦海裡都不會有任何答案出現。因為我們真的距離自然太遙遠了。但是針對這一題有一個人可以給我們一千個答案。他是—植物獵人 洪信介。人稱—阿改。他能辨認出數千種台灣植物還引領著我們前進世界三大展覽—卡塞爾文件展雖然他只有高中肄業...所以學歷不重要。他就是專注於自己後長出來的樣子他的人生沒有任何人左右過。
“Can you name any plant that is endangered and protected in Taiwan?”
It is a question we might all fail to give a single answer to since we all live in civilizations with a very huge distance from nature. However, there is one man who can nail the quiz and give a thousand answers — the legendary plant hunter Hung Hsinchieh, aka Gai. He is both a professional who can identify thousands of native plant species and an artist whose works were once exhibited at documenta — one of the world’s three most important exhibitions for contemporary art.
Though Gai failed to graduate from high school, he’s proved himself more than worthy ever since.
To us, he might be weird, but that weirdness in him allows him to be the one closest to plants and all living creatures.

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posted by bovenlagig