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The lives, tribulations and events of our extended wildlife family in our small town garden.
Follow the exploits of our fox family Hop, Patch and Spot, along with the very noisy but very clean, Starling's.
We also have a nut obsessed Squirrel that buries his nuts all over the garden, who is watched by our Magpie's who then dig the nuts back up.
There is also a large collection of Parakeet's, along with a resident Robin family and 'Blackie' the Blackbird.
Drama is provided by a Sparrowhawk that visits and successfully feeds occasionally.
Jerry our resident mouse that lives under the compost pile is very active and sometimes cheeky at night, along with his ever growing family. 'Roland' the rat was with us for a while but has not been seen recently something that involved the foxes.
Lastly, we have Woodpecker that is very partial to feeding on the coconut fat blocks, a few Crows and Ravens that visit and the usual 'eclectic' mix of delinquent (but always entertaining) Pigeons

posted by tavajameif