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陶瓷收藏的夢幻逸品 「北宋汝窯茶盞」傳世唯一|The Beauty and Rarity of a ‘Sky-Blue’ Ru Ware Tea Bowl

The Value l 藝術雜誌 Art Insider

宋朝五大名窯汝、官、哥、定、鈞當以汝窯居首。只要是陶瓷收藏家聽到「汝窯」兩字定必兩眼發光何況是傳世不見近例的汝窯茶盞如此重器下周就會在香港秋季拍賣登場。結果如何還有數天方會揭曉。現在先交由佳士得專家陳良玲LiangLin Chen為大家介紹這件天下無雙的茶盞……


‘Ru, Guan, Ge, Ding, Jun’ are the Five Great Kilns which produced Chinese ceramics during the Song dynasty (9601279). Ru is considered the top among these five kilns and highly desired by collectors and connoisseurs of Chinese ceramics. There are only about 80 surviving pieces of Ru wares today. One of them is going to be auctioned at Christie’s in Hong Kong next week. LiangLin Chen, Specialist, Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, sheds light into the beauty and rarity of a ‘skyblue’ tea bowl from the Northern Song dynasty (9601127).

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posted by Galdarosaq9