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【猫の日】ひな人形を一緒に飾ってみた(【Cat's Day】 displayed Hina dolls together.)

Momijis daily life


February 22nd is Japan's Cat Day.
I prayed for Momiji's longlasting health, and since the Doll's Festival was coming up, I decided to display the hina dolls with him
It was better than the Christmas tree.

Hinamatsuri(Doll’s Festival) is an occasion to pray for young girls’ growth and happiness.Hinamatsuri is celebrated each year on March 3.Most families with girls display dolls for the Doll’s Festival called Hinaningyo.

▽もみじの日常Momiji's daily life
Instagram   / momijinonichijyou  

#猫の日 #ひな祭り#スコティッシュフォールド

posted by Pozellald