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拍賣太貴了?殺魚阿姨聽到價格也驚訝她透漏這天來價格最軟丨刺激的魚貨拍賣丨在地美食秀里蚵嗲丨台南青鯤鯓青山漁港丨 Fish Auction of Tainan Qingshan Fishing Port

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Recently, the famous blue tears are at the Qingshan Fishing Port in Qingkun. During the day, you can buy fresh fish and specialty dry goods at the Qingshan Fishing Port. If you are lucky, you may also have the opportunity to participate in the lively fish auction. There are also many delicious oysters and seafood in the surrounding area. You can enjoy the sunset view of Yantian and the fishing port here in the evening. Qingshan Fishing Port, which has delicious food and beautiful scenery, is worth a visit!

posted by Letlhagi