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對話系列2【古箏與童麗的故事】The Story of Guzheng and Tong Li Pure voice with classic music 梅花夢/月滿西樓/漁舟唱晚/月圓花好

Music China

01 00:00 梅花夢 Dream of plum blossoms
02 04:33 月滿西樓 The moonlight pours on the West temple
03 10:06 你那好冷的小手 Your cold hands
04 13:48 嘆十聲 Sighing
05 19:15 春江花月夜 A wonderful night in spring
06 24:51 漁舟唱晚 Fishermen go home in twilight
07 30:08 想起老媽媽 Think of Mom
08 36:07 荷花頌 Praise to the lotus
09 40:09 太湖美 The beautiful Tai lake
10 43:24 月圓花好 The sweet love
11 47:35 明月夜 The night with moonlight
12 51:55 煙花三月 March
13 56:41 寒傲似冰 As cool as the ice

posted by magico53