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吃湘喝辣脚步疾,一日吃遍长沙城!痛并快乐着,恰是人间滋味 One night in Changsha,Eating all over this city!


一路疾行火辣与香气占领了舌尖与鼻腔痛并快乐中前行恰是人间滋味Rui Ge went on a business trip to Changsha. After finishing his work, he left his colleagues to go shopping and eat alone~
Thank you for providing intelligence in the dynamic, everyone is excellent!
Come to Beijing, you just watch my video to eat, go out of town, I'll watch your intelligence show, and have a happy meal together!
From 17:00 to 22:00 in the afternoon, special forces in the food industry, Ruige, swept 11 stores, 22 different categories, and spent a total of 500 yuan
The store names are at the end of the video
My luggage was once lost midway and was chased back by the shop owner. Thank you to the owner of Dongguashan Red Sister's night snack!
The beauty of Changsha lies in the smoke and gas hidden in the streets and alleys, and the passion and care hidden in the straightforward and choking tone of the drivers and shop owners here
Along the way, the heat and aroma occupy the tip of the tongue and nasal cavity, moving forward in pain and happiness, just like the taste of the world

posted by Evarotti5p