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【古典舞天花板】华宵一,再次演绎《点绛唇》!舞出一场经典与情感的交响曲! (主演:乔振宇|张晓龙| 胡阳|徐明浩)| 舞千年 Dancing Millennium EP05

a journey of culture 文化之旅

【Dancing Millennium 】Click to watch the full episode
#乔振宇 #张晓龙 #胡阳#徐明浩 #华宵一
华宵一是北舞近年来继唐诗逸以外最优秀的古典舞舞者《点绛唇》是她的代表作之一 Hua Xiaoyi is the most outstanding classical dance dancer in Beiwu in recent years after Tang Shiyi ~ "Dian Jiang Lips" is one of her masterpieces!
一个人一把椅一面镜每天的守候与等待她以为看到她心爱的人回来把自己最美的容颜展现给那个她心爱的人。可是她看错了再次拣起镜子一心等待她心爱的那个人回来A person, a chair, a mirror, waiting and waiting every day, she thought she saw her beloved come back, and showed her most beautiful face to her beloved. But she made a mistake, picked up the mirror again, and waited wholeheartedly for the return of her beloved one!

"Dancing Millennium" makes the audience feel the unique charm of traditional Chinese dance and the sincere feelings contained in it through a new variety show, allowing the audience to feel the aesthetic and cultural value of Chinese classical dance, and pay attention to the profound Chinese classical dance. historical accumulation.
The show focuses on telling Chinese stories through dance. The recommended dancer incarnates a historical figure and travels through the four most representative cultural flourishing times in Chinese history, just to find the most beautiful dances in ancient and modern times.

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