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佛山本地人推薦!30年粵菜飯店!坐滿本地土著!2人消費87元!傳統芋蓉卷13元!美食旅遊攻略!CP值極高!一定要試!人氣王!排隊網紅店!最新樓價!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Hunting Archer

   / @huntingarcher  

#美食 #旅遊 #佛山

餐廳消費蒜香雞翼 ¥35咕嚕五柳蛋 ¥30香酥芋蓉卷 ¥13
餐廳消費芒果西米露 ¥7.5雪糕紅豆冰 ¥8.5


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燎原路於1959年建路取 「星星之火可以燎原」 之意命名。 東連市東下路西接福祿路長690公尺。 建路前原為麒麟巷、對龍巷、太原坊、水巷正街、弼頭正街。
燎原路在古今都延續火光興旺之勢因此往燎原路兩旁延伸的大大小小老街也備受影響產生了一批又一批在坊間被稱為“大富豪”的 人物其中不乏富商大賈民族義士信仰之神等他們的故事更是為燎原路的古今傳說製造了不少了色彩。

燎原路有一個地方是老一輩腦海中不能忘卻的地方這正是 「 望火樓 」。 望火樓曾經是佛山最高的建築所在地是現在的福升大廈是消防隊用來觀望整個佛山鎮發生火災的偵測點。
舊時福祿路一帶店舖多賣紙料紙品加之街上有一座天后廟人們每逢初一十五就拜神祈福燒祭大量紙錢及香燭福祿路常呈現仙境也成為火災勝地 。 1759年火燒連舖40多間1768年、1778年燒了50多間1807年更是火燒百舖。
過去幾百年間旺盛火勢依然始終 “ 緊咬 ” 福祿街坊。 為延續這個消防風俗同時社會又開始受到西方文化思潮影響人們不只是求神拜佛保平安更決心透過自己的雙手保護家人。 群策群力建造「望火樓」籌辦「 福祿大街救火會 」並集資一萬多購買當時的美國製造的先進救火機。 到後來隨著「火燭隊」日益壯大望火樓的角色更覆蓋到整個佛山街。 消防車就用貨車改裝而成噴上紅色的漆兩排車站有消防員後面拉一個水箱裝水先解決燃眉之急。
在華安市場旁是佛山絲織業富商的大宅 —— 任圍 。 明清時期桑基魚池是珠三角腹地主要的經濟生活方式華南商業重鎮佛山自然成為中國絲織業的中心之一。 18世紀後期至19世紀中期(清嘉慶、道光年間)佛山出現了兩位巨富任偉和任應兄弟二人做絲綢生意發財後在家鄉興建了大型莊園任圍包括樂安裡 的任偉莊宅西側任映坊的任應莊宅。
Liaoyuan Road was built in 1959 and named with the meaning "a single spark can start a prairie fire". It is connected to Dongxia Road in the east and Fulu Road in the west, with a length of 690 meters. Before the road was built, it was originally Qilin Lane, Duilong Lane, Taiyuanfang, Shuixiang Main Street and Butou Main Street.
Liaoyuan Road has continued to be prosperous in ancient and modern times, so the large and small old streets extending on both sides of Liaoyuan Road have also been affected, producing batches of people who are known as "rich people" (Note 1) There are many characters, including wealthy businessmen, national heroes, gods of faith, etc. Their stories have added a lot of color to the ancient and modern legends of the Liaoyuan Road.
Note 1:
"Big Rich" refers to a mysterious character.
An influential and famous person in society.
In this route, we will start a more threedimensional guided tour experience in the form of "community characters". Trace past street events from historical events, rumors, and stories about ghosts and gods.
There is a place on Liaoyuan Road that the older generation cannot forget. This is the "Wanghuo Tower". The Wanghuo Tower was once the tallest building in Foshan. It is located in the current Fusheng Building. It is a detection point used by the fire brigade to watch fires in the entire Foshan Town.
In the old days, many shops along Fulu Road sold paper materials and paper products. In addition, there was a Tin Hau Temple on the street. People worshiped the gods and prayed for blessings on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, and burned large amounts of paper money and incense candles. Fulu Road often presented a fairyland and became a fire resort. . In 1759, more than 40 houses were burned down. In 1768 and 1778, more than 50 houses were burned down. In 1807, hundreds of houses were burned down.
Over the past few hundred years, the strong fire has still been "biting" the Fulu neighborhood. In order to continue this firefighting custom, at the same time, society began to be influenced by Western cultural trends. People not only prayed to gods and Buddhas for safety, but also determined to protect their families with their own hands. They worked together to build the "Fire Watch Tower", organized the "Fulu Street Fire Fighting Party", and raised more than 10,000 yuan to purchase advanced fire engines made in the United States at that time. Later, as the "Fire Candle Team" grew stronger, the role of the fire watchtower expanded to cover the entire Foshan Street. The fire truck was modified from a truck and sprayed with red paint.

00:00 Intro
00:56 佛山松風路/附近美食推薦
05:45 佛山美食街/燎原路/君臨餐廳/讀餐牌時間
09:38 蒜香雞翼/咕嚕五柳蛋/香酥芋蓉卷
17:10 輝記甜點店/芒果西米露/雪糕紅豆冰
22:02 附近樓價如何
24:20 週末嶺南天地超多遊客
46:45 Ending
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posted by punhorayi