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【令人震驚】韋伯新發現:“前个宇宙的黑洞” [Shocking] The Webb's New Discovery: “Black Hole In The Previous Universe”

New SciTech 新科技

The Big Bang theory has been the pinnacle of cosmic theories explaining our origins, but recent discoveries from the James Webb Telescope have challenged this theory. Renowned physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson said that the Webb Telescope captured a mysterious 'preuniverse black hole' that created our current universe. It seems that our textbook of the universe may really need to be rewritten!

大爆炸理論一直是解釋我們起源的宇宙理論的巔峰之作但是詹姆斯韋伯望遠鏡最近的發現卻挑戰了這個理論。 著名物理學家、尼爾·德葛拉斯·泰森表示說韋伯望遠鏡捕捉到了個神秘的‘前个宇宙的黑洞’這個以前宇宙的黑洞創造了我們現在的宇宙。 看來我們對宇宙的看法可能真得要大改寫了

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