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【一日挑戰】澳門旅遊塔Macau Tower|笨豬跳Bungy Jump|空中漫步Skywalk|百步登天Tower Climb|360° 旋轉餐廳|羅天池|李卓媚|達志

AstroSelfie International

香港男藝人【羅天池】狂飆女殺手【李卓媚】陽光型男【達志】之澳門旅遊塔一日挑戰三位AstroSelfie的KOL親身挑戰全球最高的冒險活動笨豬跳Bungy Jump空中漫步Skywalk百步登天Tower Climb。他們克服恐懼增添活力挑戰自我


Macau Tower. The best spot in town for a 360° panoramic view of Macau. Explore the View SEEING MACAU FROM NEW HEIGHTS.

Google Map Location:

360°旋轉餐廳 在澳門唯一一間旋轉餐廳享用午餐下午茶或自助晚餐將您的用餐體驗提升至全新的水平。風景的變化可以令您的用餐體驗變得更難忘和更美味尤其是當您坐在澳門上空幾百米的360°旋轉餐廳時餐廳每隔一個半小時旋轉一次不論是晴天還是絢麗的日落您都可以透過Instagram向朋友展示這個美好時刻。

360° Café. Elevate your dining experience to a whole new level at Macau’s only revolving restaurant with our lunch, high tea and dinner buffet selections.

360 旋轉餐廳: 澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心60樓
Tel: +853 8988 8622
Web Site:

挑戰全球最高的冒險活動! 每一位旅客親身感受無限的樂趣克服恐懼並增添活力! 讓你與家人、朋友甚至小朋友一起創造回憶度過難忘的一天! Skypark澳門旅遊塔位於澳門半島市中心距香港和大灣區僅一小時路程絶對是暢遊澳門的必到景點!

Are you ready to push your limits and achieve the impossible? Look no further than Skypark Macau Tower where people of all backgrounds are welcomed to witness and experience the positive, life changing energy of adventure activities.

Take the ultimate leap of faith and conquer the World's Highest Commercial Bungy Jump, one of the most extreme sports ever invented. It's an adrenaline rush like no other, and an experience you'll never forget!

Skypark澳門旅遊塔: 澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心61樓
Tel: +853 8988 8656

#澳門旅遊 #自助餐 #澳門旅遊塔 #Skypark澳門旅遊塔 #笨豬跳 #空中漫步 #百步登天 #360旋轉餐廳 #挑戰 #世界紀錄

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posted by Provenzatk