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ハワイアンギターセレナーデ : Music That Heals The Heart and Relaxes

Tiến Trần

美しいハワイアン ビーチ ギター ミュージックをテーマに、感覚的な逃避をお楽しみください。 海岸に打ち寄せる波のリズミカルな音からアコースティックギターのメロディックなコードまで、各トラックはあなたを静けさとリラクゼーションの場所に連れて行き、世界の心配事が溶けていきます。

Indulge in a sensory escape with our beautiful Hawaiian beach guitar music theme. From the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore to the melodic chords of acoustic guitars, each track transports you to a place of serenity and relaxation, where the worries of the world melt away.

Good morning everyone ^^
I really enjoy the melodies of the guitar and the sounds of the Hawaiian ocean waves. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often miss this. So my hobby is creating videos that help you study, improve your mood, relax and sleep.

Our goal is that you will feel refreshed and uplifted after watching and listening to our music videos. We are continuing to work on new projects, so we encourage you to subscribe (if you haven't already) so you don't miss a thing. Feel free to share our videos and channel with friends and family as this helps our channel grow to reach others.

Thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated.

© Sound and image copyright belongs toTiến Trần
© Music copyright owned by Tiến Trần
© Music : Noise


posted by Blankamfj