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Write a C++ program that asks the user for the month of the year as a number and prints Happy Winter

Solve My Programming Task

The student's programming assignment.

C++ Help. Any help is appreciated, thank you very much!
Write a C++ program that asks the user for the month of the year (as a number) and
prints "Happy Winter" if it is strictly before 3 or strictly larger than 11,
"Happy Spring" if it is 3 or greater but strictly before 7, "Happy Summer" if it is 7 or greater but strictly before 9,
and "Happy Fall" otherwise.

A sample run:
Enter month (as a number): 12
Happy Winter

Another sample run:
Enter month (as a number): 8
Happy Summer

And another run:
Enter month (as a number): 11
Happy Fall

My email address: [email protected]
Link To Source Code:


posted by tahanang9n