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World's Deadliest MEGA EPISODE | Season 1 Full Episodes | Nat Geo Wild

Nat Geo Animals

World’s Deadliest looks at most riveting moments of animal predation, breaking down the struggle for survival and supremacy into five actionpacked episodes.

0:00 Pack Hunters
World's Deadliest: Pack Hunters takes a deep dive into the world of group predation with a look at twelve different species who use teamwork to bring down their prey.

45:37 Ultimate Predators
Witness a polar bear, great white and crocodile display their differing hunting strategies on unsuspecting prey as some of the world's ultimate predators.

1:31:30 Predator Weapons
NGC goes inside the amazing weapons and hunting techniques of some of the world's deadliest predators to learn the secret to their deadly attacks.

2:17:17 Predator Superpowers
NGC reveals the superpowers of predators. Watch a maniacal stoat hypnotize its prey, a basilisk lizard run on water, and a parasite turn its prey into zombies.

3:02:39 Animal Battles
It's a brutal fight as zebras, gelada monkeys, honeybees and more use every weapon at their disposal to emerge victorious.

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World's Deadliest MEGA EPISODE | Season 1 Full Episodes | Nat Geo Wild
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posted by genelengt3