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Wise Leadership | The Way Out Is In podcast | Episode #17

Plum Village App

In this episode, the presenters, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and lay practitioner and journalist Jo Confino, are joined by special guest, entrepreneur and author Lindsay Levin, to discuss wise leadership and new ways of creating change and harmony in turbulent times.

“Serial entrepreneur” Lindsay Levin founded Leaders’ Quest in 2001 as her “last startup”, to help leaders and companies align profit with purpose. Her work explores collective humanity through vulnerability and listening. She also launched the Leaders’ Quest Foundation to build leadership capacity in grassroots communities.
Her passion for finding common ground between diverse perspectives and opposing voices prompted her to colead the launch of the alliance Future Stewards, after the Paris Climate Agreement. Her book, Invisible Giants: Changing the World One Step at a Time (2013), is a celebration of the everyday heroes who have inspired her to ask tough questions, and to strive to be the change she wants to see in the world.

Together, all three also talk about: the balance between urgency and patience; purpose; polarisation; and becoming agents of change. And: at a planetary level, how do we know when to slow down and when to speed up?

Lindsay Levin further shares her relationship with the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community, and about: working with leaders; dealing with competing interests and egos; spiritual values in the business world; selfawareness; tolerance in the climate movement; listening to others’ lives and widening circles of compassion; responsibility; the gap between cleverness and wisdom; ‘quests’; collective and individual development; planetary wellbeing; and honouring anger and grief.

Brother Phap Huu talks about his own experience of dealing with disagreements in the community as abbot of Upper Hamlet, and shares stories about Thich Nhat Hanh as a leader. He also delves into the importance of listening in leadership; applying Buddhist teachings into daily life; bringing together conflicting parties; discriminative mindsets; inclusiveness; adapting to change; avoiding burnout; nourishing compassion; learning to be in stillness; and not postponing ‘simple opportunities’.

Jo shares the story of a company which lost its way after taking the space to create and reflect away from its staff. He delves into the pressure of shorttermism; Indigenous insight into decisionmaking; and being observers of our own selves. And: is time money?

All three share the simple routines they use to nourish themselves in what they do.

The episode ends with a short meditation on gratefulness, guided by Brother Phap Huu.

Listen to previous episodes on YouTube ➛

The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living is a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives.

The podcast is coproduced by the Plum Village App:
And Global Optimism:
With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation:

Listen to the podcast on the FREE Plum Village App ➛ and other streaming services.


Plum Village Community ➛
Thich Nhat Hanh ➛
Lindsay Levin ➛
Brother Phap Huu ➛
Jo Confino ➛

Leaders’ Quest ➛
Future Stewards ➛
‘Please Call Me by My True Names’ (song and poem) ➛
Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet ➛
Trần dynasty ➛
Lý dynasty ➛
Sister Chan Khong ➛
The opioid crisis ➛
The Great Acceleration ➛
Moore’s law ➛
The TED Countdown Summit ➛
The secretarygeneral of the United Nations ➛

#TheWayOutIsIn #PlumVillage #ThichNhatHanh #TWOII

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