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Why Your Age and Education Level Matter to Much to Social Security Disability Judges

Social Security Disability videos

Is it true that Social Security disability claimants under the age of 50 will face extremely long odds in winning SSDI or SSI benefits?

As I discuss in this video, your age and your education are very important factors that will be considered by the disability judge, but winning benefits is by no means impossible for younger claimants.

When I am speaking with potential clients in my disability law practice, I advise callers that anyone, at any age, can win a disability case. However, the younger you are, or the more highly skilled you are, you will need more compelling and more supportive medical evidence.

Conversely, as you approach 50 years old and if you have a high school or less education, disability judges often will give you more of the benefit of the doubt because they know that older workers with medical problems will have a more difficult time finding entry level work, and more problems performing that work reliably.

For these reasons, I encourage claimants younger than age 45 to make every effort possible to find and keep a job. Even minimum wage employment is preferable to a Social Security denial after you have used up your savings and waited 2+ years for a hearing that doesn’t go your way.

=============== FREE SURVIVAL KIT ================
Don't know where to begin? Download my free
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============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =============
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

=================== CONTACT ME =================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: http://www.ssdAnswers.com
Facebook:   / ginsberglaw  
Telephone: 8008902262
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