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Why Jesus Appeared Before God in the Bible | Bible stories explained)


Jesus' ascension after His resurrection signifies His return to the divine realm, taking on the role of mediator and intercessor for humanity. This event fulfills Old Testament prophecies, confirming Jesus as the Savior who establishes God's kingdom on earth. His baptism by John marked the start of His ministry, with divine affirmation from heaven. Through His teachings, miracles, and parables, Jesus demonstrated His divine authority and the arrival of God's Kingdom, emphasizing inward righteousness and ethical living. His ultimate sacrifice on the cross, as foretold by Isaiah, served as the perfect atonement for sin, opening the way for humanity to be reconciled with God. The tearing of the temple veil and other miraculous events at His death signified the divine approval of His sacrifice, removing the barrier between God and humanity.

Jesus’ resurrection, witnessed by Mary Magdalene and many others, confirmed the physical reality of His return and the fulfillment of His predictions. Over forty days, He appeared to His disciples, providing teachings and commissioning them to spread His message. His appearances, including inviting Thomas to touch His wounds, strengthened their faith and provided a solid foundation for the claims of His divine mission and resurrection. Jesus' role as an ongoing intercessor highlights the balance of divine justice and mercy, offering hope and salvation to all who believe.

#Jesus #Ascension #Prophecy #Fulfillment #DivineAuthority #Baptism #Sacrifice #NewCovenant #Crucifixion #Resurrection #Miracles #Intercession #KingdomOfGod #Salvation #Christianity #Faith #Hope #BibleStudy #Messiah #DivineApproval

posted by bastilleoq