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Why is My Cat LOSING HAIR? - Molting and Other Explanations


If you are asking yourself the question 'Why is My Cat LOSING HAIR?', then you may quite rightly be concerned. However, it is important to know that there are situations when it is completely normal for a cat to lose some of its hair. Problems arise when this hair loss is excessive or is combined with other symptoms indicating an underlying health problem. This is particularly the case if the fur is falling to the point patches of skin or serious thinning can be observed. This is why AnimalWised explains the things you need to look out for if your cat is losing its hair. If you want to know some further information, head on over to our site to read some related articles:

My cat's hair is falling out: what to do https://www.animalwised.com/mycats...
What does my cat have patches of hair missing? https://www.animalwised.com/whydoes...
Brushes for long hair cats https://www.animalwised.com/brushesf...

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posted by exploragyd90