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Why do antibiotics cause your acne to come back worse after stopping? Let’s break it down ↓ And don

Madison Dohnt

Why do antibiotics cause your acne to come back worse after stopping? Let’s break it down ↓

And don’t worry, we’ve all been there…

You’ve gone to the doctor hoping for answers as to why you’re skin is so bad, and instead of answers you’re offered the pill and antibiotics.

But despite not liking the idea… you’re desperate.

You fill the script and cross your fingers,

Hoping that you’ll finally get not only clear skin, but your confidence and selfesteem back.

I know that feeling all too well, but it’s not your fault for not knowing the consequences until now…

Let’s unpack 5 ways your antibiotics are going to make your acne explode worse then before once you come off them… (like it did mine and ALL my clients):

1⃣ Dysbiosis

Antibiotics can disrupt the balance between good and bad bacteria on your skin and in your gut.

After treatment, opportunistic bacteria are more likely to overgrow, leading to breakouts.

Analogy: It’s harder to kill weeds long term than it is flowers. The bad guys are always more resistant and grow back faster taking over.

2⃣ Bacterial Resistance

Prolonged antibiotic use can create superstrains of P. acnes.

These resistant bacteria make future acne harder to manage.

3⃣ Increased Inflammation

The shift in your skin and gut’s microbial populations can cause inflammation.

This inflammation then exacerbates acne symptoms, making the breakouts deeper, and more painful & red.

4⃣ Skin Shift

Antibiotics may alter your skin’s pH and sebum production.

Once stopped, your skin may react with a surge in oil production, leading to increased breakouts.

5⃣ Secondary Skin Struggles

Antibiotics can open the door to secondary infections, creating new skin challenges.

✨ The Solution ↓ ✨

A holistic rootcause approach instead supports healing of the REAL problem thus preventing the breakouts from returning.

Curious to know more about the gutskin axis and how to find + treat the root cause that’s driving your acne?

I’ll be teaching everything in my Free LIVE Acne Masterclass this week!

Be sure to save a seat, as the host platform is limited to 500 attendees. Comment “ACNEMASTERCLASS” (one word) for the link

posted by ZonnanoIdeoloa9