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Why did Romania switch sides?
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♦Music Used :
Kevin MacLeod Impact Allegretto
Kevin MacLeod Drums of the Deep
Kevin MacLeod Face Off
Kevin MacLeod Echoes of Time
Kevin MacLeod All This Scoring Action
Kevin MacLeod BTS Prolog
♦Sources :
Ciobanu, Mircea (1991), Convorbiri cu Mihai I al României, București: Editura Humanitas, ISBN 9732802421
Gould Lee, Arthur (1998), Coroana contra secera și ciocanul. Povestea regelui Mihai al României, ISBN 9732808292
Giurescu, Dinu C. (1999). România în al doilea război mondial. București: Editura ALL EDUCATIONAL. ISBN 9736840360.
Constantiniu, Florin, O istorie sinceră a poporului român An Honest History of the Romanian People), Ed. Univers Enciclopedic, Bucureşti, 1997, ISBN 973924307X (in Romanian)
Silviu Brucan, The Wasted Generation: Memoirs of the Romanian Journey from Capitalism to Socialism and Back, Westview Press, 1993
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