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Who is a good candidate for the TIF procedure?

The Surgical Clinic Official

I will say from my standpoint as a surgeon, I oftentimes in the past have been hesitant to offer patients a surgical antireflux procedure because there oftentimes have been real lifestyle changes and differences that patients notice. So they really needed to be in a category of where they felt like this was something that was necessary for them at this point. And, you know, they thing that I would say with the TIF is that I certainly still, patients need to undergo appropriate workup. They need to make sure that this is something they are interested in. But, I think that the limitations, they symptoms they have after the procedure, are just really night and day. So, for me, it has changed how I approach the idea of treating reflux offering patients who are interested in being off of medications or concerned about the potential side effects of medications, this is a procedure that I have really embraced because I think it offers real benefit and can allow patients to feel normal after hanging their procedure done.

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