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When To Stop Insisting - 3 Sings That Will Tell You When To Stop

Nix Paradise

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There you are, whatching the phone…
Watching that person “online” and you are at nothing to speak her again…
You’re worried because maybe she won’t answer, again, and you were right, she doesn’t care about you.
But at the same time, you are excited hopíng she answers, she being up to you, and everything you plan…
Hanging out, love, fun, sex, taking hands, first kiss, and start dating, it can happen.
Ok, in most of all cases, if you are already asking yourself if you should insist or not, it means you shouldn’t.
Please, forget it, because, if she were up to you, you were having nice weekends together.
Or at least going for a walk, to the movies or having an ice cream, not making that question.
I’ll tell you when you have to accept she isn’t interested and when you have to stop wasting your time:
When that person haven’t invest on you, when she doesn’t care about your initiative, or when she has been rude with you.
If you want, you can continue thinking about reasons to justify her rejection and keep some hopeness.
Sometimes, it’s true we want to see someone but we don’t have time, we are on a trip, or we are distracted thinking other stuff…
If a person cares you, he/she will always find the way to answer your initiative.
And if, she/he definitely can’t, we return to the same, you have to understand that maybe it’s not the right moment.
It seems like I’m being pessimistic, but it is not the case.
In this channel I’m not trying to make you laugh, or maybe I don’t make challenges to entertain you…
But I will always try to make you feel great, and what I tell you, although it’s hard sometimes, it’s with the same love I would tell it to my best friend.
Ok, let’s get back. If you get used to insist, in the best case, it would be.
But, if you have to insist to have attention, it means they don’t care about you.
If you agree a place where you aren’t valued, then you don’t value yourself.
Maybe, if you continue insisting, you achieve someone looking at you, but when someone else, a little bit more interesting than you, you will be degraded…
All that time and all those exciting ideas trying to get her attention, will be losed.
And you will not only have nothing, also it’s possible to get frustrated and be less self confident.
All the faith that you have in those exciting adventures, or in that beautiful relationship, can happen.
Distraction, love or desire for one person, aren’t created with effort.
Effort is for another thousand things, but not for having someone’s attention.
Attraction is based on value, and how much attractive we are for others.
If your granny told you that you have to attract a man by keeping him happy, cooking whatever he wants so he will be in love, your granny was wrong.
If your granny told you that you have to attract a woman by being her unconditional friend and slowly she will be paying attention to you, your granny was wrong.
Invest yourself, dress great, smile, be athletic, care about you, be smart, be exotic, be technical, be authentic.
That’s all, you will be liked from people because of what you are, and not because of effort.
That’s what grannys should teach their grandchildren
All qualities are valued, as being romantic without remedy or being a delivered woman, those are qualities and they work.
They work just if you use them in the right order and accepting you don’t value less than anyone.
Let’s get back…
Insisting when you aren’t match, it just generates you being repulsive and looking needy.
Needy ones, either you like it or not, they are in the last place of the food chain of seduction, just behind bacteries and mushrooms.
If you have a friend in that place, be a nice friend and tell him.
Bring him, so we can exorcise him.
Pay attention, whatever you do since this moment, will be more or less intelligent.
No matters how it sounds like, all we do is more less dumb, more less smart.
You can be sad because that person don’t answers you, you can quit love and make your self esteem pay the bills…
Which will be too dumb.
Or you can work successfully just in what you need to work, open the door that you need to open: work yourself.
The time you waste looking Facebook or the phone, invest it making changes inside and outside you.
In your real and fantastic value, is what people see at naked...

posted by babakjam5y