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What NOT TO DO to Avoid PRETERM LABOUR ? - Dr.Girija Lakshmi at Cloudnine Hospitals |Doctors' Circle

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Cloudnine Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad
Basically if at all you have started having mild kind of a contractions we usually give medications which are called as tocolytics. So when tocolytics are given, these are uterine relaxants. In some cases we can actually completely stop the uterine contractions to a certain extent and prolong the pregnancy for atleast 2 to 3 weeks beyond the occurrence of the preterm labour. But apart from this from your side what you need to do is adequate hydration, taking plenty of fruits and vegetables which can actually increase your immune system, ruling out of vaginal infections and UTI. So avoiding UTI is basically through adequate hydration again and reach out to your gynecologist whenever you feel the first and foremost symptom happening in your body. That's when you can actually be relaxed and you can understand that your pregnancy can be prolonged to a certain extent . But how long that can be done depends upon what kind of symptoms are occurring. If it's only contractions which are there in those cases we have quite a good amount of success rate in stopping the contractions. But if it is a leaking of the fluid where it is continuous and it is not stopping or if the cervix is completely taken up it's completely opened u, in these cases it is quite impossible because if we leave the patient to not deliver after 24 hours also after leakage of the amniotic fluid or once the cervix is open. There is always a chance of uterine infections which can cause problem for the mother and the baby as well.

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