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What if the Earth was Cube Shaped? + more videos |

Its AumSum Time

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Earth is spherical in shape because of gravity. Earth's gravity pulls everything equally towards its center and thus gives it a spherical shape

Now, if the earth was cubeshaped, then the following things might have happened.

Firstly, it would look weird.

Secondly, just like gravity, our weight would be different at different places on earth. This is because the 8 corners of the cube would be much further away from the cube's center as compared to the rest of the cube. But this would be good news for people who are overweight and lazy. Now they can just go to the corners and voila, their weight gets reduced.

Thirdly, due to low gravitational force, the cube corners would have very less atmospheric cover & almost no water, thus rendering them inhospitable.

posted by calladats