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What Do You Do When You Feel Left Out From Your Circle Of Friends

Awakening to Your Story

Today’s Question: What do you do when you feel left out from your circle of friends?

It can be really frustrating when you find yourself on the outside of your circle of friends. No matter how much you try, your mind just won’t let it go. "How did I get here?" "What is wrong with them or with me?" "How do I find my way back into the circle?" The questions just keep circling in your mind until the questions and sadness turn to frustration and then escalated into blame.

Today’s episode is all about giving you insight and action to alleviate the frustration and create the space you are looking for in your circle of friends. Watch today’s video and learn practical approach to make situations like this work in your favor.

A few things to always keep in mind:

• You can’t change people no matter how much you think about it or wish it to be.
• Your heart’s work is to return to your essential truth.
• It is in the ownership of your truth that you find your personal power and ability to rise.

As you watch the video or listen to the podcast version, know that I holding a place of love for you where your path home to your truth is undeniable.

Don’t for get to leave your comments and questions.

posted by ostvarimo4y