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11 Things Cats HATE

Maine Coon Daily

STOP! Don't do these 11 things to your cat. You might not realize how much they hate these actions but nevertheless, they do!

Here are 11 things cats really hate in our experience though they may not always make it obvious! They will certainly cause them stress and anxiety at some level. Cats hate things without us even realizing it so we need to be extra vigilant.

The things all cats hate that we feature here are based on our experience as lifelong cat owners. There will always be exceptions! Some cats hate things that others seem to love! Water is a good example.

What do cats hate to smell? The smells cats hate can vary wildly. Most hate citrus, strong perfume, air fresheners, and many essential oils. Be careful how you use these in your home.

If your cats love the things we've mentioned or if you have experienced any other things that cats hate, please tell us in the comments below.

posted by oomingkwanoozv