We coach the most viral travel team in the nation Pottstown Scout Team. Check out @CS99TV for the rest of the games.
Watch some more videos here!
• $10 vs. $1,000 MLB Ticket Experience!
• I Tried Out at the MLB Draft Combine...
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I'm Dan Sarmiento (DSARM), a 21yearold living in Los Angeles. My two biggest passions are baseball and content creation, so here we are on my YouTube channel! Please subscribe if you like the content, we have a ton of really exciting videos planned for the future. ❤
➡ YOUTUBE youtube.com/c/dsarm?sub_confirmation=1
➡ INSTAGRAM / dsarmyt
➡ TIKTOK / dsarm
Subscribers at time of upload: 229,000
The DSARM team: Leo Rochman, Tony LaValle (featured in all videos) & myself started a brand called Enjoy The Show. This is a multimedia company that aims to be the intersection between player & fan. If you want to collaborate, don’t hesitate to DM us, we’ve got some big content plans in the works!
ETS IG: https://www.instagram.com/etsbsbl?igs...
LEO IG: https://www.instagram.com/leo.rochman...
TONY IG: https://www.instagram.com/etstony?igs...