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Watchman Procedure for Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion (LAAO)

Norton Healthcare

The Watchman FLX left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) device is an implant that replaces longterm blood thinner use. The Watchman FLX is the nextgeneration Watchman device and is available in more sizes to fit your unique anatomy.

The Watchman FLX is available in sizes from 20 millimeters (about threequarters of an inch or the diameter of a penny) to 35 millimeters (almost 1.4 inches) and made from very light and compact materials commonly used in many other medical implants.

Norton Heart & Vascular Institute has been performing Watchman implants since 2016 and has more experience with this treatment than any other hospital system in Louisville or Southern Indiana.

posted by slfreespiritw1