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Virtual Meetings with CTA: DO's u0026 DONT's (2024)

Feisworld Media

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Virtual meetings and webinars are essential for many entrepreneurs and creators. Incorporating call to actions (CTAs) and sales messages into virtual meetings is a powerful approach. There are several DOs and DONTs when it comes to CTAs and sales messages, such as being clear and relevant, providing value first, timing it correctly, using visuals, making it actionable, and measuring performance.

BeeVirtual is a tool that enables customization and personalization of virtual meetings with brand colors, graphics, fonts, and permanent call to action buttons.


00:00 Introduction
00:11 Providing Value First
00:18 Using Visuals
00:26 Making it Actionable
00:30 Measuring Performance
00:52 Offer Options
01:18 Don'ts
01:36 Conclusion

posted by itsdaangerouspt