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Vik White on The Power of Habit [EP - 18] INSPIRE TO INSPIRE PODCAST |Season 2|

Inspire To Inspire Podcast w/ Dominique Columbus

Welcome Back to Season 2 of the "Inspire To Inspire Podcast"!

On the first episode of INSPIRE TO INSPIRE |Season 2| our guest "Vik White" ‪@ItsVikwhite‬ talks about (the power of habit, not allowing your feelings to get in the way, and what it takes to have a VISION for yourself.)

Over the years Vik has created a strong presence for himself in the dance community, from being on "So You Think You Can Dance", to going viral on social media from his dance videos. Through out Vik's success, one thing has been a constant factor, to become better every day despite what you're feeling or going through. At the end of the day, discipline will always outweigh motivation.

This episode emulates why you need to develop habits for yourself, if what you're doing isn't working, this is a good sign to switch things up and get outside of your comfort zone to evolve.

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Creator & Host: @Domsperspective
Guest: Vik White (@itsslavik)
Sponsor: @whohasit3880 (
:   / inspiretoinspirepodcast  
Filmed by: @Mobilepod_
✉ : [email protected]

0:00 Intro Clip
1:40 Welcome Vik White!
2:22 What's your why? (Vik Responds)
8:45 Can you change your destiny or is your fate already written out
17:35 Thoughts on rejection
25:00 The power of habit
31:00 Catching the wave
38:30 Vik moving from Vegas To LA
41:00 How Vik creates his content
47:55 Raising 250k for Ukraine
51:30 Karmic cycle of helping others
52:25 The best & worst advice Vik has heard

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#VikWhite #dancer #Actor #soyouthinkyoucandance #PowerOfHabit

posted by Fanomemnanypeyx