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Unknown Tax Haven With NO Stay Requirements

Offshore Citizen

Gibraltar a British Overseas Territory and located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. Many know of this peculiar place, and we get questions about it often.

What does Gibraltar offer that may be interesting? Can you live there tax free? Is Gibraltar a tax haven? What are some interesting things about this tiny British territory bordering with Spain?

We will talk about the best way to gain residency, which is also tax residency, known as the Category 2 residency. We'll also be talking about High Executive Possessing Specialist Skills (HEPSS).

The most notable thing about Gibraltar is that there are no physical presence requirements in order to get and maintain your tax residency.
Some other things to note:
No capital gains tax
No wealth tax
No inheritance tax

This all sounds awesome, but is it worth it to move to Gibraltar for tax reasons? What are advantages and disadvantages of living in Gibraltar, and should you get a residency there?

Hidden Tax Haven in Europe Gibraltar

Tax Haven With NO Stay Requirements That Nobody Talks About

Introducing Michael Rosmer, the true modernday Renaissance man and international entrepreneur, who has been mentored under top international tax attorneys.
He is widely regarded as the foremost international tax expert for legal crossborder tax planning, with extensive experience in immigration, residency, and second citizenship for those seeking a plan B, asset protection, global offshore banking, and payment processing.

Michael leads a team of lawyers and accountants who are top experts in their respective fields. This multilingual, multinational team has worked with digital nomads, entrepreneurs, and investors from 62 countries, providing practical realworld multidimensional solutions for their clients.

At Offshore Citizen we understand that each individual's situation is unique. Unlike most industry service providers, we do not push any particular country or solution. Instead, we analyze your individual situation and customtailor the best countries and strategies for you, drawing on every part of the globe.

With Offshore Citizen, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of professionals who have your best interests at heart. Let us guide you through the complex world of international tax planning, immigration, residency, and second citizenship.
Contact Michael today for a personalized consultation and take the first step towards securing your financial future.
Get personalized advice about tax, asset protection, offshore banking, residency, and citizenships.

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