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Unit 3: Branches of Philosophy- Likely ask Questions and Answers


Branches of Philosophy.
1.0. Introduction. This unit introduces the major branches of philosophy, offering an overview of their divisions and subdivisions.
2.0. Intended Learning Outcomes. By the end of this unit, learners are expected to classify philosophy and differentiate between its different branches.
3.1. Logic. Logic is explored as the study of correct and incorrect reasoning methods. Various definitions of logic are presented, emphasizing its role in guiding proper thinking and argumentation. The etymology of logic is traced back to the Greek word "Logos," meaning reasoned discourse. Examples of simple and complex arguments are provided, along with explanations of deductive and inductive reasoning.
3.2. Epistemology. Epistemology, derived from the Greek words for "knowledge" and "study," is introduced as the branch of philosophy concerned with the scope, source, and limitations of human knowledge. It questions the nature of knowledge, belief, and opinion, exploring how humans acquire knowledge and what can be known with certainty. Contemporary discussions focus on epistemological justification, with mention of skeptical and foundationalist schools of thought.
3.3. Metaphysics. Metaphysics, described as the science of being as being, delves into the fundamental principles and nature of reality. It explores questions about existence, substance, appearance versus reality, essence versus existence, and the nature of reality itself. Various historical perspectives, including those of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, and Aquinas, are discussed, highlighting metaphysics' foundational role in philosophy.
3.4. Ethics. Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is introduced as the branch of philosophy concerned with evaluating human actions and determining right from wrong. Socrates' contributions to ethical inquiry are noted, emphasizing the examination of human behavior and the pursuit of the good life. Descriptive ethics, normative ethics, and metaethics are identified as subfields, each addressing different aspects of ethical inquiry.

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