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Turkish Military Power to harm Greece and Egypt

Den ProHD

Turkey warns Greece and Egypt , France and Italy over exploring eastern Mediterranean gas

Turkish Navy blocked Italian drillship in the eastern Mediterranean Turkish Navy blocked a Greek Frigate from harassing Turkish drillship in the eastern Mediterranean
Turkish Airforce blocked British Fighter Jets from harassing Turkish drillship in the eastern Mediterranean

Without doubt Turkey today has the strongest and most numerous naval forces in the Eastern Mediterranean Turkish Navy has more Frigates, Submarines and Fast Attack Missile Boats than any other navy with significant naval fleet in the region such as the Hellenic Navy, Egyptian Navy and Israeli Navy

16 Frigates , 9 Corvettes , 22 Fast attack Missile Boats and 12 Submarines

most modern weapons

J600T Tactical Ballistic Missile
ATACMS Tactical Ballistic Missile
TRG122 guided MLRS
TRG300 guided MLRS
F16C/D block50/52
F35A stealth Fighter Jet
Boeing E7T AEWC
S400 Air Defense System
HISAR Air Defense System
SIPER Air Defense System
KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System
Airborne stand off Jammer Aircraft
50 km ESSM Air Defense Missile
220+ km ATMACA Subsonic Anti ship Missile
300 km SOM air launched Cruise Missile
75 km POPEYE Cruise Missile
270 km SLAMER Cruise Missile
150 km HARM anti radiation Missile
2801000 km KHAN/BORA Ballistic Missiles
ADA class stealth Corvette
MILGEMI class stealth Frigate
Type214TN class AIP Submarine
TCG ANADOLU Amphibious Assault Ship

posted by berhubung76