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Tuesday at the farm

The Farm

The bus arrived at the farm and everyone was barking excitedly to get into the fun. We do lots of training at the farm throughout the day, but it starts for some before we even head into the playground. A quick refresh and reminder to look and listen to Luke with some simple commands. Sid shows us how it’s done.

Doug was full of zoomies today and his zooms are super cute! He had lots of mates who were up for the fun too.

The lure machine was back in action. Bandit spotted it from the top of the hill which meant there was no time in his mind for paddock runs, lure was on! C’mon let’s get this course set up. Bandit investigated the track, familiarising himself with the course. When it was go time everyone was in! The lure is a crowd fave. On the sidelines, Yani and Charlie watched, cheered and napped.

In the swimming pool today my favourite was probably Riley the Beaglier’s 101 attempts at getting in. Riley did such a great job at giving it a go, and he actually swam each time he made the attempt but as he entered the water with determination he’d quickly change his mind and do a uturn. It surely made Aunty Sam’s day.

Taz the Wheaten jumped in the pool today. I mean like properly jumped in. No crocodile slide or nose dive, it was a wonderful leap! Woohoo Taz it was awesome!

Farm dogs in the Spotlight...

Today we talked about Odin the 1 year old Airedale Terrier. Odin is a sweet boy with a real sense of adventure. He’s like any normal tween boy, he loves motorbikes, his brothers, getting up to mischief and doesn’t want to miss out on any of the fun! Odin’s least favourite activity is swimming but it doesn’t stop him from giving it a really good go because he‘s so motivated to join Uncle Luke and all his mates.

Odin comes to the farm with his 3 brothers Rex, Sid and Fred and out of the 4 of them Odi sure is at the top end of the FOMO spectrum. Although he loves to break away from the pack and play a game of tug of war with his bros, he cannot turn down an invite to play one or any of the farm activities.

Odin is a sweet and affectionate boy that gives a lot of love throughout the farm day and most especially when he stays over at the farm.

posted by popayancityvy