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Try Not To Say WOW Challenge! Oddly Satisfying Video that Relaxes You Before Sleep

Viral Monkey

0:13 With the use of VFX, this iguana is turned into a dragon. The VFX is done so well it looks

0:43 This method of filling up the container with mayonnaise is so impressive that I can’t help
saying wow

1:13 Do you also wonder which one is moving: the cable or the person recording?

1:48 The landscape shown in this video is the Gunib plateau in Russia. It looks like a scene from
Howl’s Moving Castle

2:14 What you see is called roll clouds. These clouds form when warm, moist air is lifted by
raincooled air moving underneath it caused by the storm's downdraft or gust front

2:42 This is how it looks when you crack the ice formed on a trampoline.

3:15 I bet you have never seen a woodturning job this fast and precise

3:48 If you didn’t know how these patterns are made on metal surfaces, now you do

4:18 This athlete shows off her skydiving skills inside an indoor skydiving wind tunnel.

4:50 Here you see a power outlet that appears with the press of a button

5:15 It is impressive how he can line it up perfectly using just a nail

5:45 Lining up bricks like dominoes and setting off the chain reaction is so satisfying that it never
gets old.

6:57 This man is polishing a canoe after a sanding process.

7:57 Here is a timelapse of tide lowering recorded under icecovered water.

8:43 This is laminar flow, a type of fluid flow in which the fluid travels smoothly or in regular paths,
in contrast to turbulent flow, in which the fluid undergoes irregular fluctuations and mixing.

10:03 This artist creates a 3D illusion art piece using shading with black spray paint.

11:17 Have you ever seen this style of drawing fish with a pencil?

12:23 This barber is cleaning his hair trimmer by submerging it in some kind of liquid.

13:22 This artist drew a graffiti butterfly with a few simple steps. Anyone could follow his actions
and make their own graffiti butterfly.

#trynottosaywowchallenge #satisfyingvideos #satisfying

posted by atmosphere67vo