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Trinity Almost Wipes Out On Shortcut to Track Twin Sharerghini Thief!!!

Trinity and Beyond

Trinity Almost Wipes Out On Shortcut to Catch Twin Sharerghini! Thief!!
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Trinity Almost Wipes Out Taking Shortcut to Track Twin Sharerghini!!! Today, John and Trinity take off to go track down the twin sharerghini imposter. Dad takes his electric scooter and Trinity takes her dirtbike. They take a shortcut and on their way, Trinity almost wipes out on her motorcycle. They think they are tracking the pond monster but once they get to the end of the trail and spy the twin sharerghini, they see the lamborghini hacker is the one driving the stolen car.

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Gamer Madison:    / @realgamermadison  

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About Trinity and Beyond:
Hey guys! Thanks for visiting our YouTube Channel! This channel stars Trinity and her whole YouTube Family with Madison, Dad, Mom, and Preston! This is a fun channel made for the whole family to watch together! We do lots of good exciting videos that are tons of fun for everyone; in real life character scavenger hunts, pranks, family challenges, and more!

Thanks again for visiting our channel!

#trinityandbeyond #beyondfamily #trinityandmadison

posted by judoboussay2c