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Top Python Project for Beginners to Advanced Level (Learn Python Practically) | Python Projects 2024

Olevel Guruji

Top Python Project for Beginners to Advanced Level (Learn Python Practically) | Python Projects 2024 @olevelguruji

About The video

Welcome to the ultimate Python Project Marathon! Get ready to embark on an exciting coding journey with our channel as we tackle 20 diverse Python challenges together. Whether you're a beginner eager to enhance your skills or a seasoned coder seeking new inspiration, this marathon is designed for all levels.

In this video you will get basic to Advanced level practical development Application So must watch the full video till end.

No matter where you are in your programming journey, our supportive environment encourages collaboration, problemsolving, and learning through handson experience. Let's code together and conquer these challenges one by one!

Don't forget to subscribe, hit the notification bell, and join us for the Python Project Marathon. Together, we'll write code, overcome obstacles, and celebrate every breakthrough along the way. Get ready to level up your Python skills and join the excitement!

Query Solved

1. WAP to enter Name,Age,mobile number and Address one by one.
2. WAP to enter 3 numbers and find their sum and average
3. WAP to solve the quadratic equation
4. ax2+bx+c
5. WAP to perform Swaping of two number without using third variable
6. WAP To create Login Application
7. WAP to create Table generate Application
8. WAP to Generate number, square and Cube depending on user range.
9. WAP to Calculate Simple Interest Depending on user choice
10. WAP to input 10 integer. Calculate and print the average of only positive integer among them. Negative number should not be processes and 0 should treated as a end of input.
11. WAP to input two number one as numerator and second denominator. Calculate and print result of division of numbers.Program should repeat this process for 5 pair of number. Program should terminate its repetition when user input 0 as denominator.
12. Write a program to create a List of 10 numbers. While traversing the List print all its elements and count how many of them are positive, negative and zero.
13. WAP which takes list of number as input and finds
14. The largest number in the list
15. The smallest number in the list
16. Product of all the element in the list
17. WAP to combine two dictionary adding values for common keys
18. WAP that takes sentence as input from the user and computes the frequency of each letter. Use a variable of dictionary type to maintain and show the frequency of each character.
19. Write a program to create a list of 5 names. The program should ask user to input a new name and index position to update the element with new name
20. Write a program to create a Tuple of age of 10 persons. While traversing the Tuple print all its elements and count how many of them are Major and Minor.
21. Write a program to input key for a dictionary of cricketer's name. Check whether that key exist in the dictionary or not. If the key exist in the dictionary then give user a choice of deleting or updating that element.
22. Write a Program to python tuple practical work
23 Python list program with examples
24. Write a program using user defined function with default argument. Calculate and print percentage of three subject marks. Use 300 as default value for maximum marks.
25. Create a area module in python and import in our program.
26. "Master Python: Top 20 Projects from Beginner to Advanced StepbyStep Guide!"
27. "Python Projects Demystified: 20 Practical Examples for Beginners to Pros"
28. "Python Mastery: Complete Walkthrough of 20 Projects for All Skill Levels"
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30. "Unlock Python's Power: 20 Projects Explained for Beginners and Beyond!"
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33. "Python Projects: A Comprehensive Guide from Easy to Expert Level!"
34. "Python Project Marathon: 20 Challenges, 1 Channel Let's Code Tog
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48. 20 python projects
49. python projects for beginners to advanced
50. python projects for advanced
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