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Top 7 Most Expensive Vegetables In The World

Top Seven

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This video is about Top 7 Most Expensive Vegetables In The World

01. Hop shoots
Hop shoots are a tender a part of the hop vines, and that they taste like a go between beer and asparagus. They are harvested from the guidelines of plants that won`t bear flowers used for beer. These shoots are quite small however have an interesting and specific flavor. European hop shoots in countries that consume a lot of beer can grow to the thickness of asparagus. Generally, only the first 3 inches of the tips are eaten due to the fact the relaxation of the shoot is just too tough to consume.
They are expensive due to the fact they're extremely difficult to harvest. Hop shoots cost greater than $400 consistent with pound. The shoots do now no longer grow uniformly at the vine and it takes a chunk of attempt to determine them withinside the tangle of vines. Harvesters ought to hunch down and dig round for hours to supply a tiny bag of hop shoots

02. Spanish Peas
Burgaña cultivates these peas on his farm Aroa, near a village of only 2,500 people in Spain. The peas are served raw, often accompanied by caviar. It is as having an exquisite, fresh crunchiness that gives way to herbaceous sweetness. These peas sell for more than $350 per pound.
It is all about the region; the peas are grown in Spain’s Basque region near the sea. The salinity in the air and the soil contribute to the intense flavor of crops grown in the region.

03. La Bonnotte Potatoes
This variety is the world’s most expensive potato, grown exclusively on an island in France’s Bay of Biscay. They grow on a tiny strip of land. These potatoes go for around $300 per pound. Many believe this is the world’s best tasting potato, but there are a couple of factors that go into its expensive price.
For one, the potatoes are handharvested for only one week per year. 2,500 pickers gather at dawn in the month of May to pick potatoes over seven days. They must be handpicked since they are extremely delicate, and it is not recommended to peel them during preparation. The peels absorb the aromas of the nearby seawater. They taste slightly of lemon with a hint of walnut.

04. Wasabi
You’ve probably never had real wasabi; most of the “wasabi” served at sushi joints is just colored horseradish. The wasabi condiment is fresh, nutritious, and made from grating the rhizome (root or stem) of the wasabi japonica plant. The real plant tastes bright and green, and almost nothing like the pungent horseradish powder we are used to. Real wasabi can cost up to $45 per pound if it was grown in America or more than $100 per pound if it was grown in Japan.
This plant belongs to the “brassica” family and is native to the cool, moist areas along mountainous regions in Japan. It’s this highly specific combination of soil conditions that makes wasabi one of the most difficult plants to cultivate in the world.

05. Yamashita Kabu
Kabu is a strain of Japanese white turnip. The kabu is Yamashita’s trademark vegetable and what first got culinary heads turning. His variety is softer and sweeter than typical European turnips. Based on the price of your average Japanese turnip, around $3 per pound, we estimate that Yamashita turnips sell at a price of around $30 per pound.

06. Yamashita Spinach or Kinjiso Spinach
Asufumi Yamashita sources his seeds directly from Japan and chooses them for flavor rather than durability. Which is leafy vivid purple spinach that requires a specific temperature range and acidic soil. It has been described as tasting uniquely crisp and nutty, and not like spinach at all. Yamashita spinach goes for $13/pound.

07. Pink Lettuce
Pink lettuce is actually known as pink chicory, a lettuce lookalike. It was one of the hottest vegetables served at New York’s trendiest restaurants, including King, Legacy Records, Cafe Altro Paradiso, and Cafe Cluny. You can expect to pay up to $10 per pound for this variety of chicory. Pink lettuce also goes by the name “La Rosa del Veneto.” It does look like fascinating lettuce rose, after all.

posted by prolskimdg