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Top 5 Most Poisonous Mushrooms in The World

Dope Facts

Top 5 Most Poisonous Mushrooms in The World

5. Webcaps (Cortinarius species)

The two species of webcap, the deadly webcap (Cortinarius rubellus) and the fool’s webcap (Cortinarius orellanus), are very similar in appearance to both each other and to a number of edible varieties. These mushrooms feature a poison known as orellanin, which initially causes symptoms similar to the common flu. Orellanin has an insidiously long latency period and may take 2 days to 3 weeks to cause symptoms, often leading to a misdiagnosis. The toxin ultimately causes kidney failure and death if left untreated. In 2008, English author Nicholas Evans mistakenly collected and served webcap mushrooms to his relatives, resulting in hospitalization for four of them. He, his wife, and his brotherinlaw all required kidney transplants as a result of the poisoning.

4. Autumn Skullcap (Galerina marginata)

Common throughout the Northern Hemisphere and parts of Australia, Galerina marginata is a gilled, woodrotting mushroom with the same amatoxins as the death cap mushroom. Ingestion causes diarrhea, vomiting, hypothermia, and liver damage, and can result in death if left untreated. While it is not especially similar to edible species, several deaths and poisonings have been attributed to collectors mistaking the autumn skullcap for hallucinogenic Psilocybe mushrooms.

3. Destroying Angels (Amanita species)

The destroying angels are actually several species of allwhite mushrooms in the genus Amanita. These incredibly toxic fungi are very similar in appearance to edible button mushrooms and the meadow mushrooms, and have been collected by mistake on numerous occassions. One of these species, Amanita bisporigera, is considered to be the most toxic North American mushroom. Symptoms take 5 to 24 hours to appear and include vomiting, delirium, convulsions, diarrhea, liver and kidney failure, and often lead to death.

2. Podostroma cornudamae

This rare fungus is native to Asia and has been responsible for a number of fatalities in Japan and Korea. Its red fruiting bodies contain potent toxins known as trichothecene mycotoxins and can cause multiple organ failure in those unlucky enough to consume them. Symptoms of poisoning include stomach pain, peeling skin, hair loss, low blood pressure, liver necrosis, acute kidney failure, and result in death if left untreated.

1. Deadly Dapperling (Lepiota brunneoincarnata)

The deadly dapperling is a gilled mushroom known to contain amatoxins. Widely distributed throughout Europe and parts of Asia, the mushroom is fairly innocuous and has been mistaken for edible varieties, though poisonings are not very common. Accidental consumption leads to severe liver toxicity and can have lethal consequences if immediate treatment is not received.

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