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The human fascination with sharks stems from many of their characteristics. First and foremost, large, carnivorous sharks have been known to kill and eat people, which upends the usual situation of humans killing and eating fish. Another fascinating thing about these fish is that their skeletons are not made of bone, like those of other fish, but of cartilage. Since cartilage is lighter than bone, sharks tend to weigh less than a similarsized animal with a bony skeleton.

The Top 5 Biggest Sharks in the World

5 Greenland

This 24 foot long fish is one of the longestlived creatures on Earth. Biologists believe it can live as long as 500 years. It doesn’t even start to reproduce until it’s between 100 and 150 years old. Because it lives so long and reproduces so slowly, efforts are being made to protect this animal, whose conservation status is vulnerable.
The Greenland shark eats fish and squid found in the cold waters of the North Atlantic and the Arctic. The fish actually comes upon its prey while the prey is asleep and simply sucks it whole into its mouth. It has also been found with the remains of mammals in its stomach, but scientists believe this is from scavenging.
Because it has a lot of trimethylamine Noxide, the flesh of the Greenland shark is poisonous to humans.

4 Tiger

The tiger shark, which can grow to 24.6 feet long, gets its name for the stripes found on its body and probably not for its ferocity. Still, only the great white has killed more humans.
The tiger shark is famous for eating anything it can get its impressive jaws around. It matters not if the object is edible. Edible prey include seals, squid, sea turtles, dolphins, fish, jellyfish, crustaceans, other sharks, and injured whales as large as humpbacks. It is found most often near the coast in warmer waters, and it prefers to stay close to the equator, though it’s been found as far north as Japan.

3 Megamouth

The three biggest sharks in the world are plankton feeders and completely harmless to human beings. The “smallest” of these sharks is the megamouth at 25 feet in length. This fish lives in deep waters and is elusive, with a huge head, a flabby body, a thresherlike tail, and prominent lips. It’s been seen off Japan, Hawaii, and California and can dive to a depth of 3280 feet. Though its mouth is huge, its teeth are small and useless. It keeps its mouth open as it swims to pull in plankton and other small prey such as jellyfish.

2 Basking Shark

At nearly 50 feet long, the basking shark is the secondlargest shark in the seas. It is found all over the world in temperate water and moves slowly, its mouth gaping to take in plankton. It gets its name because it’s often found feeding at the water’s surface, appearing to bask in the sunlight. It has hundreds of teeth, but they are small, curved, and don’t do much. The fish depends on its gill rakers to catch the plankton as it’s pulled into the mouth along with seawater. Unsurprisingly, gill rakers get worn out and are replaced and regrown continuously.
This animal has been overfished for its meat, its fins, its liver oil, and for animal food. Its conservation status is endangered. Basking sharks swim thousands of miles in the summer and winter in search of rich feeding grounds

1 Biggest Shark: Whale Shark

The whale shark is not only the biggest at about 55.7 feet in length, but it is the biggest fish in the world. It is considered a carpet shark because of the beautiful pattern on its hide, which is dark gray with white stripes and what looks like polka dots. These animals also have two dorsal fins and five gill openings. They usually have small mouths. This doesn’t quite apply to the whale shark, though its mouth is smaller than that of the basking shark or megamouth. The whale shark simply opens its mouth and swims forward, which allows food and seawater to enter its mouth, or it sucks the prey in. This includes not only plankton but fish eggs, small fish, small squid, and krill. The fish has also been seen to cough to clear its throat of debris.
The whale shark has dermal denticles not only on its body but on its eyes. Like those on the body, they are there for protection. The animal can also retract its eyes completely into its body. It is found in warmer waters in the open ocean and near the coast and is endangered.
Which shark is the biggest you think tell us in the comment below


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